Playing Out Of Theme...

When we first started playing last summer, every batrep we watched / read online featured armies playing in specific theme forces. It was something we saw a lot, but with everything there was to digest / work around when first learning the game, we put learning about themes on the backburner.

Not because playing in themes is complicated at all, but more because we were starting out with the models that we got between a 2 mystery boxes and what we found on sale at a game store. That meant that we didn't necessarily have what we'd need to build any particular theme for either of our first starting factions; Cryx & Protectorate of Menoth respectively.

Once we were a few months in & started to buy individual models to add to our armies, we were mostly focused on picking up models that either:

A. We thought looked cool


B. We thought sounded fun to play with

With that being the case, theme was the last thing on our mind as our lists were starting to grow...but the more I'd see people talking about themes, the more I felt like we were "missing out" or not "really" playing the game & it sat in the back of my mind.

Once we had enough models to make a couple different lists for Cryx & Protectorate, I used War Room 2 to manage our lists and see what we had built / painted that might work in a theme somewhere. Turns out that I had what I needed to run a few "Black Industries" lists for my Cryx, but Donna's Protectorate models were such a weird mix that there wasn't a single theme she could run.

That being the case, I opted not to use themes, because I felt (based solely on my uneducated assumption) that it would be unfair for me to get a free model / models as req options if she didn't have the same opportunity. The thing is that it would take a decent amount of time & effort to get enough models built & painted for her to use any Protectorate theme. On top of that, she couldn't decide on any particular one that she'd want to start with at the time. 

So, we decided that instead of doing that, we'd just focus my hobby time to building & painting enough models for each of us to have a Hordes faction to play; Skorne for me & Circle Orboros for her.

As I got my first Skorne list built & painted, we decided to run an experiment. I got together what I needed to run a 25pt list using the "Masters of War" theme. I also ran several games recently that used the "Black Industries" theme for my Cryx. In all of these games, the extra req option and other benefits I may have gotten from a theme didn't seem to be enough to swing the win / loss column. As it was before, I win some, she wins some, and often it's a close battle to the end. The only exception being when one of us makes a key mistake late in a game to lose it, but whether or not I was playing in theme vs her not in theme was not relevant or related to the tactical mistake one of us made.

I want to reiterate: we've only been playing Warmachine / Hordes for about 6 months. We are by no means experts by any stretch of the imagination or definition. This blog, as always, is just meant to cover our journey as we play the game and the experiences, ideas, & memories we enjoy along the way.

With that said, here are some thoughts on how she's been able to make some formidable lists completely out of theme, by finding good synergies between different models / units and making the most out of the abilities her individual models / units have.

The main points are:

1. Using the 3-pronged combined arms approach very well

2. Using the Indictor as a magic-hampering tank

3. Taking max advantage of Elias Gade's Prey ability

4. The Revenger being the arc node gift that keeps on giving

I also need to note that we play the 25pt Brawlmachine format exclusively. I'm sure that at different sized games, playing in / out of theme may effect things differently.

Making The Most Out Of Combined Arms Tactics

One of the things Donna has managed very well is taking advantage of Protectorate's options as far as devastating ranged & magic attacks along with punishing melee attacks. Most notably is how she's worked a great synergy between the Deliverer Sunburst Crew, her caster / arc node, & the Indictor / Exemplar Bastions.

I remember seeing a post on the main WMH Facebook group talking about why going first is pretty much always preferred. I know I'm a new player, but I really don't think it's so cut & dry. When I'm staring down the Sunburst's 20" threat range with a POW 15 (16 when Severius1 is her caster) with a 4" AOE that hits everyone caught in the blast with Fire continuous effect....yeah...I'll go 2nd thank you very much.

Any time she went second with the Sunburst Crew, it was almost a guarantee that someone (often several "someones") on my side were going to be lit on fire and possibly dead before the first round is even over. Add to that the fact that I'm starting round 2 with several models on fire potentially facing a POW 12 fire damage roll before I ever get to activate. 

This was compounded once she added the Deliverer Arms Master to her list. The abilities he could grant to the Sunburst along with the +1 to their attack rolls really made them a formidable force for me to face.

With all the threat they pose, she's only paying 4 to deploy them. They more than paid for themselves time & time again. 

* Sunburst Deliverer Crew & Revenger (as an arc node)

pounding my army before the melee attacks begin *

She recently started running a Repenter under her Reclaimer Gatekeeper as a 'Jack Marshall. Even when she doesn't have the Sunburst on the field, the Repenter's 8" spray with fire continuous effect has been a legit threat to contend with. When the Reclaimer grants his warjack "Strike True!", the +2 on all attack rolls makes the Repenter effectively RAT 7 and makes my infantry tremble at the thought of those flames.

As far as long range threats go, the Sunburst isn't the only one that I've had to contend with in her different Protectorate lists. She's also made good use of using magic attacks to both damage some of my key models, as well as often lighting them on fire. When Severius is leading her troops, this is primarily through using the Revenger as an arc node - more on that later. "Ashes to Ashes" and "Immolation" have been used repeatedly to take out my squishier infantry and / or key solos.

Another headache he's presented is casting "Influence" to reek havoc on my infantry. When I'm running Mechanithralls with Brute Thrall attachments, I really REALLY have to consider their positioning as they're moving across the battlefield. Having a Brute Thrall's POW 14 Heavy Steamfist used to smash a nearby Mechanithrall can be heartbreaking. Those poor shambling robo-zombies are squishy enough to begin with. Having one of them get taken out by my own models makes the death sting just a bit more.

Severius1 being an 8 FOCUS caster means 2 important things. First, his chance of hitting on magic attack rolls is much better than his counterpart, Feora, who is FOCUS 6. Secondly, having 8 focus means he's got plenty of focus to both cast the spells and boost the damage rolls to hit even harder.

When Feora is leading the way, it's not just her spells like "Blazing Effigy", but the more indirect "Wall of Fire" has been a steady hurdle for me to deal with. Donna's become very adept at taking the terrain into account (another reason why going first isn't always so great, having choice of table edge / terrain layout can pay big dividends). In our last 3 games, she's created choke points for my advancing army by cutting off / restricting key charge lanes. 

Moving Feora up and casting "Wall of Fire" neatly placed between (but not touching) a combo of a forest / building / wall / etc in the middle of the battlefield means I'm either forced to go through a forest at a slowed pace / unable to charge from one side to the other with LOS blocked or I have the option to charge through the fire to both take a POW 12 fire damage roll PLUS suffer the fire continuous effect.

* It's no fun being on the other side of Feora's "Wall of Flame" *

And right after some of my key models are hurt and burning, she'd charge in Indictor and / or Exemplar Bastions in a turn or 2. The only thing that saved me a little there was that their SPD 4 meant I usually survived until late in round 2 or early round 3 before they were in my face.

The Indictor is an absolute wrecking ball in melee. MAT 7 and his primary weapon, Banisher sword, being P+S 17 (again +1 if she's fielding Severius1) means that it’s got a very good chance of hitting me and when it does, it's often at dice +(whatever) meaning damage was guaranteed no matter what she rolled.

Even more frustrating is the Banisher doing Magic Damage & being Blessed. So, my spells to buff my models are negated and one of my saving graces when playing Cryx (Incorporeal) doesn't help with the Magic Damage cutting through it.

* The Indictor' MAT 7 and its P+S 17 Banisher are a brutal combo to face *

When she added the Exemplar Bastions to her list, it got even more brutal. In many games, my primary goal from the start is to get rid of them as soon as possible. Weapon Masters charging in with a 9" threat range thanks to their Halberds means she's often rolling 4 dice for damage, at least in the early engagement with my army. Again, at MAT 7, they've got a very good chance of hitting most of my units. Their Halberds are also Blessed & do Magic Damage.

Adding to the aforementioned danger, they have "Defensive Strike", which means that me charging in to them is always a risky move. I've suffered a few bad plays where I charge a jack or beast in to them, only to have them get a "Defensive Strike" where that pesky combo of MAT 7 + Weapon Master ability comes back into play and my charging model gets crippled or even taken out. Add to that their "Set Defense" ability making my charge attacks suffer -2 right out of the gate and they are a real pain to face.

* Exemplar Bastions making short work of my Titan Gladiator *

Shutting Down My Magic

Adding to the devastating melee threat of the Indictor, it also brings Consecration: "While within 6" of this model, enemy models cannot cast, channel, or upkeep spells.

Making the most out of this limiting ability, she deploys him in the center of the battlefield and runs him straight into my army. When I play Cryx, she sends Indictor straight towards my bone jacks; taking away my ability to channel spells through them. 

Of course, the plan then is to go at the Indictor with both barrels, hit it hard with my heavy hitters, & get rid of him. The problem is that at ARM 21 (19 +2 for the Shield), taking Indictor out is easier said than done. When she's playing Severius1, she'll often cast "Defender's Ward" (+2 DEF, +2 ARM) on Indictor making it effectively ARM 23 and almost impossible to remove without several rounds of concerted effort...which means her other models are being left to pick my heavy hitters apart if I focus on her heavy.

* Indictor shutting down any chances of casting or channeling spells *

Since I've been playing Skorne this past month, it REALLY hurts to have the Indictor march into range of several of my beasts and completely nullify their ability to use their animi.

Adding insult to injury, when I can move my warcaster / warlock back outside of the 6" range of Consecration, I still can't target the Indictor with any spells, because it also has the Sacred Ward ability: This model cannot be targeted by enemy spells. 

Those 2 combined abilities along with the Indictor's high ARM make it a magic -hampering party pooper every time I face it.

Exemplar Warder Elias Gade: A Strong Solo, Ranged & Up Close

Few models in her army have caused me as much grief by themselves as Elias Gade. That she's only paying 3 to deploy this royal pain makes it hurt even more.

First, his MAT 7 & RAT 7 mean no matter if he's shooting me or stabbing me, the odds are in his favor. What really drives the knife into my heart is his ability to name a Prey model / unit and gain +2 to both attack and damage rolls against it. Effectively making him MAT 9 & RAT 9 as long as he's focused on them...which he usually is.

* Elias Gade taking aim at a Stalker *

Now consider when Gade's Prey is whoever the Indictor / Exemplar Bastions are moving in to pound on. This is often my heavy warjack / heavy warbeast.

Not a fun day for me. 

Have I mentioned he only costs 3? Ouch...

Revenger: An Arc Node With A 10" Threat Range

Starting out with the old man of Protectorate as her first ever caster meant that Donna quickly came to appreciate using arc nodes. Having to keep Severius safely behind the front line attack, the Repenter has been an invaluable addition to the different lists she's deployed.

On the flip side, this meant that I quickly learned the importance of rushing someone in to engage it so that it can't channel. That's when Repenter's Repulsor Shield comes in to play. She loves that the shield grants Repel when it hits my models allowing it to push my engaging model back 1"...often taking them out of their 0.5" / 1" melee range, while still being within Repenter's Halberd's 2" melee range where it can buy another basic melee attack with it to punish me even more.

Next, there's the Repenter's 10" threat range if it charges with the Halberd & isn't concerned about getting a follow up attack with the Repulsor Shield. Not only does that mean I have to really consider where I move my models early on, but when it does charge with the Halberd, it gets +2 to the charge attack roll thanks to its Powerful Charge ability. Rarely has a Repenter charge with its Halberd missed in our games. 

* Revenger Charging In To Stab My Titan Gladiator *

I could go on & on about other models / units she's used in her various out of theme lists, but I just wanted to cover some of the main pains in the neck that she’s thrown at me.

I'm going to close this out by sharing a few of the lists she's deployed:

(Note: we play the Brawlmachine format. So, all of these are 25 point lists)

List #1

Grand Scrutator Severius



Vassal Mechanik

Reclaimer Gatekeeper

Exemplar Warder Elias Gade

Deliverer Sunburst Crew

Temple Flameguard (full unit)

List #2

Grand Scrutator Severius




Deliverer Arms Master

Exemplar Warder Elias Gade

Sunburst Deliverer Crew

Exemplar Bastions (full unit)

List #3

Feora, Priestess of the Flame




Reclaimer Gatekeeper: Jack Marshall with Repenter

Vassal Mechanik

Exemplar Warder Elias Gade

Exemplar Bastions (full unit)


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