BatRep Oct 23, 2021 - Cryx vs Protectorate
Hellslinger Phantom, Soul Trapper, Necrosurgeon with Stitch Thralls, min unit of Mechanithralls with 2 Brute Thralls & a Skarlock Commander.
My main goal in this game was to work for a scenario win. To that end, my initial strategies were:
1. To eliminate Gade as early as possible between spells channeled through my Defiler (both offense & de-buff) & charging the Slayer in.
2. Scoring the rectangular zone with my jacks. This worked perfectly to combo with strategy 1 above.
3. Harass anyone she brought up the middle with a swarm of McThralls, using the Necrosurgeon in support to grab up corpses as they fall, & then use her Resurrectionist special ability to bring destroyed thralls back into play.
4. Scoring the circular zone with my units. Again, this worked perfectly to combo with strategy 3 above.
5. Score the far-right flag with Hellslinger Phantom shooting at anyone who is coming in to contest, while keeping the Soul Trapper nearby to move onto the flag if the Phantom gets taken out.
6. Be more aggressive in keeping Denny near the action early on, but keeping a couple focus on her to ward off any early assassination attempts.
One thing I've come to appreciate is that Deneghra's feat is NOT something to hold onto for "just the perfect moment". Rather, it's important to use it early to make sure that my fragile Cryx troops survive into rounds 3 & 4 to have a chance of competing.
I did something different this game for the sake of the blog, but got side tracked because of it. I tend to write the batreps up a day (or 3) after we play & do my best to remember all the details. I wanted to start recording them to have a static-cam video to watch when I type up the blog. That's great for the sake of not forgetting anything or getting something wrong...but I was so busy with the phone that was recording & forgot to take as many pics as I'd normally like. This was mainly because I would start / stop the video recording with each round to get smaller videos to go through & fussing with it made me forget to snap more pics early on. Lesson learned.
Giving the Press Forward order, the Skarlock Commander ran his unit into the gap between the tower & the building that sat on either side of the circular zone. They spread out as much as possible while still staying within the Skarlock's command range.
It was important to keep them out of a cluster in expectation of the Sunburst Crew's eventual bombardments. A 16" range on a 4" AOE attack at POW 15 with continuous fire? The Sunburst can easily be a one-shot death sentence for squishy DEF 12 Mechanithralls.
The Necrosurgeon ran her Stitch Thralls up in support, staying just behind the stone tower on the left. The Hellslinger Phantom & Soul Trapper ran up just behind the building. They kept right on their eventual path to the flag, while keeping in mind the Revenger's threat range to channel Severius' fiery offensive spells.
Everything in my plan was hinged on moving the battlegroup into position. If Deneghra & crew are out of position and get hit too easily too early, nothing the units or solos would do would matter in the scoring later on.
The Ripjaw & Defiler ran up to the right of the large boulder, just breaking the edge of the rectangular zone. They could have gone a few inches further, but wanted to stay outside of Gade's crossbow range. If he was going to shoot them next turn, he'd have to move forward & forfeit the aiming bonus. The Slayer ran up just behind the boulder. Being labeled "Prey" meant he needed the cover bonus to help ward off the +2 Gade would get on attack & damage rolls. Deneghra moved up just behind her bone jacks.
With that everything was set for my plan. I knew that Donna was going to get off at least a handful of ranged attacks in her first turn. I just had to make it hard for her to do too much damage so that I could set the stage for a critical round 2.
To kick off her first turn, Donna moved the Sunburst Crew up 4" and took aim at the lead Mechanithrall. The shot missed and deviated 2" up & to the left. The 2 McThralls caught in the AOE were killed from the blast damage, sending their corpses to the Necrosurgeon nearby.
Elias Gade then moved out of forest & took a shot at the Slayer. This worked against her in 2 ways. On top of the Slayer getting the cover bonus from the large boulder. It also moved Gade outside of Severius' control range, where he lost the "Eye of Menoth" +1 to attack & damage rolls the caster provides. At dice - 8 to hit, Gade managed to connect on 1 of his 2 crossbow shots; doing 1 damage to column 2 of the heavy jack.
Next, she ran the Indictor just to the outside of the large rubble pile, heading towards the circular zone. The Mechanik moved up just behind him. The Revenger ran straight forward towards my solos & the Reclaimer moved up to support the Flameguard.
She finished her turn by moving Severius to the left of the Sunburst Crew. From there, he used the Revenger as an arc node to cast "Defender's Ward" to give the Indictor +2 DEF / +2 ARM. The already formidable ARM 19 jack was now sitting at effective ARM 23 between the spell & his shield. Finally, she had Severius cast "Vision" on the Revenger to give him a 1-shot damage protection insurance policy.
As round 2 started, Deneghra used her Wraith Walker ability to go incorporeal & allocated 2 focus to the Ripjaw, keeping the rest for protection & to cast a very important spell this turn. With that, the stage was set for what would turn out to be a pivotal turn of the game.
Most of the Mechanithralls were just out of charge range for any of Menoth's faithful. A single Brute Thrall charged in to kill off the closest Temple Flameguard. The Reclaimer collected his soul as the trooper was destroyed.
The rest of the unit ran in to close the distance and prevent any of the Flameguard or the Indictor from being able to charge on their next turn. Most importantly, all of the Mechanithrall unit was in the circular zone now. The Necrosurgeon & Stich Thralls walked into the circular zone. Sitting safely behind the McThrall unit, the Necrosurgeon used her Resurrectionist special action; spending 2 corpses to bring 2 Mechanithralls back into the fray.
Hellslinger Phantom walked up B2B to the flag & took the Revenger in his sights. Using "Incendiary" as his Wraithstorm Pistol's attack type, he hit on both shots. The Revenger exhausted the "Vision" upkeep spell to prevent any damage from the first shot, but was still set on fire. There's something so pleasing as a Cryx player to be able to burn Menoth jacks on the battlefield. The 2nd shot did 4 damage to column 1 on dice -7.
It was at this point that it hit me that Hellslinger Phantom was in relatively no significant danger. With only the Revenger threatening the incorporeal Phantom meant the only chance of him being hurt would be from spells channeled through the jack. Of her 2 jacks, only the Indictor has a weapon that does magical damage.
Realizing that the Soul Trapper wouldn't be needed as a back-up to score the flag, I opted to have him run back behind the building towards the mob of Flameguard & McThralls on the left. He'd be better suited possibly grabbing some souls from that ruckus than wasting his time backing up Hellslinger Phantom.
The Defiler walked up into the zone, but the way the Flameguard were spread out, he was only able to catch 1 under his Sludge Cannon's 8" spray template. Needing an 8 to hit, he boosted the attack & rolled a 3, a 2, & a 1 on 3d6; failing miserably.
As the round ended, I scored 1 point for Hellslinger Phantom on the right flag. Donna scored 1 point for the Reclaimer on the left flag. She had no jacks in the rectangular zone & no units in the circular zone, but she did have models in position to contest me scoring either zone. Tied 1 - 1, we moved on to round 3 where it hit us both just how out of position she was and how well I was set up to score; something neither of us had quite realized until that point.
The Ripjaw then boosted his attack & damage rolls to easily destroy the Flameguard that was engaged with him. Hellslinger Phantom then used 2 "Incendiary" blasts from his Wraithstorm Pistols to set both Protectorate jacks on fire. The shots hit with no problem thanks to the back strike bonus. Neither shot did much damage, but the fun was in setting fire to the Lawgiver's forces. There’s so much joy in the irony of it all.
She did this & I ended my turn without activating either unit or the Soul Trapper. I scored 4 points to Donna's 0: left flag - Deneghra, rectangular zone - Slayer / Defiler / Ripjaw, circular zone - McThralls / Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls, and right flag - Hellslinger Phantom. Going up 5 - 1, Denny took the victory in honor of the Dragonfather.
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