
Showing posts from January, 2022

A Tale of Dragons and Pirates and Zombies and Robots and More...

I mentioned in a previous blog that I had no desire to play Cryx when we first got into Warmachine. The few pics I'd seen (zombie pirates like Blackbane's Ghost Raiders) just didn't grab me. I don't have anything against pirates or zombies or dragons, but none of those had really been my "thing" before. I was initially drawn to WMH by the look of powerful steam-powered robots like 'Jacks from Protectorate, Khador, & Cygnar.  Mainly Protectorate. The ornate patterns on their armor. The huge strong silhouettes / shapes. Everything about them drew me in. I gave Donna first dibs when our first Mystery Boxes came in and she immediately claimed the Protectorate as her own. Why? Was it all the reasons I mentioned above? Nope. It was because she liked the idea of being able to light my army on fire.  * sigh * and oh how she has done that to great effect in our games over the last 7 months. Our other Mystery Box was Skorne, which brought up the problem that we ...

"Flanks For The Memories" - Warmachine Batrep November 27, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate

We had a quiet Saturday evening at home right after Thanksgiving and took advantage of it by getting a play in of Wraith Witch Deneghra vs Grand Scrutator Severius. It was one of the first few games where Donna got to add the Deliverer Arms Master in to her Protectorate list and I was working a tag team of Cryx solos finding new ways to deploy / use Darragh Wrathe & the Hellslinger Phantom. Note this play was before we got our new gaming mats. So, the pics of the table in game reflect that compared to some of our newer plays that were featured in my previous batrep posted this month. Scenario & Terrain We rolled a d6 to choose the scenario & played Brawlmachine Scenario 2: Binary. Two circular zones are offset in the center of the battlefield a few inches away from each other and each of them slightly off center towards each army's deployment zone. Each zone has a flag centered on it from left to right and a few inches closer to the opposite deployment zone.. For our te...

Playing Out Of Theme...

When we first started playing last summer, every batrep we watched / read online featured armies playing in specific theme forces. It was something we saw a lot, but with everything there was to digest / work around when first learning the game, we put learning about themes on the backburner. Not because playing in themes is complicated at all, but more because we were starting out with the models that we got between a 2 mystery boxes and what we found on sale at a game store. That meant that we didn't necessarily have what we'd need to build any particular theme for either of our first starting factions; Cryx & Protectorate of Menoth respectively. Once we were a few months in & started to buy individual models to add to our armies, we were mostly focused on picking up models that either: A. We thought looked cool or B. We thought sounded fun to play with With that being the case, theme was the last thing on our mind as our lists were starting to grow...but the more I...