
Showing posts from October, 2021

"How many early mistakes can you overcome?" - BatRep Oct 27, 2021 - Cryx vs Protectorate

Wednesday night after dinner, we sat down to play Brawlmachine scenario 1: Orbits. This was our first time playing this scenario. On one side of the battlefield, there is a rectangular zone running from left to right with a gap in the middle separating it from a circular zone on the right side.  There are 2 flags, both in the center from left to right, with one on each army's side of the battlefield. Our lists (no themes yet) Cryx (me): Wraith Witch Deneghra + Slayer / Defiler / Ripjaw, Hellslinger Phantom, Soul Trapper, Necrosurgeon with Stitch Thralls, & a min unit of Mechnithralls with a Skarlock Commander + 2 Brute Thralls. Protectorate (Donna): Grand Scrutator Severius + Indictor / Revenger, Vassal Mechanik, Reclaimer Gatekeeper, Exemplar Warder Elias Gade, Deliverer Sunburst Crew, & a full unit of Temple Flameguard.  * Gade's initial "Prey" target was my Defiler. *   I won the starting roll & chose to go second. Donna deployed with her Indictor &...

BatRep Oct 23, 2021 - Cryx vs Protectorate

We decided to mix things up this weekend & played a new scenario: Brawlmachine scenario 3: Ignition 2. The flag embedded in the rectangular zone made for an interesting change of how we deployed & that turned out to be the deciding factor in the end. Cryx (me): Wraith Witch Denegrha + Slayer, Defiler, & Ripjaw Hellslinger Phantom, Soul Trapper, Necrosurgeon with Stitch Thralls, min unit of Mechanithralls with 2 Brute Thralls & a Skarlock Commander. Protectorate of Menoth (Donna): Grand Scrutator Severius + Indictor & Revenger Exemplar Warder Elias Gade, Reclaimer Gatekeeper, Vassal Mechanik, Deliverer Sunburst Crew, & full unit of Temple Flameguard.  I was first player & deployed with Deneghra & her battlegroup to the far-left, the Soul Trapper & Hellslinger Phantom to the far-right, and the Necrosurgeon & Mechanithrall units in the center. Donna deployed in a tight formation with Severius & his battlegroup to the far-right (from my vanta...

BatRep Oct 12, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate

 After a week of furious work at the painting desk, I was finally ready to roll out an almost entirely new Cryx force. Along with a Ripjaw joining Deneghra's battlegroup, it was the first time I'd be deploying Hellslinger Phantom, a pair of Brute Thralls, Skarlock Commander, & Necrosurgeon with Stitch Thralls. This was definitely going to be a challenge, as I worked to learn how to best use each of these model's unique abilities & try to find synergies between them. Even though I finally had enough models painted up to field a proper Black Industries theme force, I opted not to take a req option, because Donna does not have the models painted that she needs to use any of the Protectorate theme forces. That said, we played a 25 pt game using Brawlmachine scenario #4 Singularity again; which we will likely to play for the next handful of games as we're still exploring more intermediate & advanced rules.  Cryx (Me): Wraith Witch Deneghra + Slayer / Defiler / Ri...