"How many early mistakes can you overcome?" - BatRep Oct 27, 2021 - Cryx vs Protectorate
Wednesday night after dinner, we sat down to play Brawlmachine scenario 1: Orbits. This was our first time playing this scenario. On one side of the battlefield, there is a rectangular zone running from left to right with a gap in the middle separating it from a circular zone on the right side. There are 2 flags, both in the center from left to right, with one on each army's side of the battlefield. Our lists (no themes yet) Cryx (me): Wraith Witch Deneghra + Slayer / Defiler / Ripjaw, Hellslinger Phantom, Soul Trapper, Necrosurgeon with Stitch Thralls, & a min unit of Mechnithralls with a Skarlock Commander + 2 Brute Thralls. Protectorate (Donna): Grand Scrutator Severius + Indictor / Revenger, Vassal Mechanik, Reclaimer Gatekeeper, Exemplar Warder Elias Gade, Deliverer Sunburst Crew, & a full unit of Temple Flameguard. * Gade's initial "Prey" target was my Defiler. * I won the starting roll & chose to go second. Donna deployed with her Indictor &...