
Showing posts from August, 2022

Turning My Narrative Batrep Vision Into A Video Reality...

The Story Of How I Got Here For about 8 months, I've been interested in learning how to make video battle reports. I wanted to take my written narrative batreps & push them to the next level. I was inspired by old batrep videos I'd seen from the likes of House of Dice & Wargamer Girl, as well as taking inspiration from others like Warjax, War Budgies, & Tangible Day. Each one inspired a different aspect of my overall vision, m y batreps aren't going to be like any of those above.  For one thing, my batreps have always been more about the story than the "numbers". In my written batreps, I include *most* damage roll info because I don't want to lose sight of the fact that I'm still narrating a game . However, I pretty much never include attack roll info. Attacks are covered by the story. An attack is described to have missed or hit with some appropriate flavor text. I don't care to bog down my batreps with every stat or dice roll. Some people...