
Showing posts from May, 2022

Hexeris' Feat vs Warpborn Skinwalkers: "Making A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear...Sort Of..."

Last week, I posted about my (illegal & broken) combo using Hexeris' feat "Dark Dominion" against Donna's Circle Orboros. Thankfully, 2 experienced players (Elizabeth Springer & Charles Thoss) caught a couple things I'd done wrong & helped me learn from my mistakes. That led to deeper discussion as I was "thinking out loud" in the FB comments going over other things I might have done that would have been legal and paid off in a similar combo. Charles rightly pointed out that Warpborn Skinwalkers are a pain to deal with & can't take each other out with a single melee attack. That got the wheels spinning in my head: could I at least get something, however small, out of the feat to make it a chance for a fun combo? Disclaimer: I fully understand that to experienced players who can dial in perfect lists, what I explain below is probably sub-par, but I'm so much less interested in building a dynamite list as much as I am enthralled ...