"Timing Is Everything" - Brawlmachine Batrep Nov 20, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate
Brawlmachine Scenario 3: Ignition 2 While my batreps have been "silent" for the past few weeks, Donna & I have been getting at least 1-2 games in each week. We've just been busy between the holidays & traveling out of town for a seminar / Donna's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt promotion, I put my blog on hold for a little bit. I plan to catch up over the next week, as well as making progress towards doing 1-2 video batreps to go along with 1-2 written batreps each month. So, with that out of the way, here's a batrep for one of our games last month. We rolled a d6 to choose which scenario to play & used a web-based random terrain generator to get the layout for the terrain. This scenario has 2 flags centered across from the players on either side from left to right. The flag on the left side is centered in a rectangular zone. The right flag is about 4" to the right of a circular zone that sits in the center of the table. There was a stone wall a...