"Walled Off" Brawlmachine Batrep Nov 13, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate
Brawlmachine Scenario 4: Singularity Donna & I sat down Saturday evening to play Cryx vs Protectorate: Deneghra 2 vs Severius 1. We rolled 4 on a d6 to select the scenario. This scenario has a flag on either side of the battlefield from left to right with one closer to each army's deployment zone and overlapping rectangle & circle zones in the center. On the far-side just ahead of the flag & zones, there was a rubble pile (1 side low / obstacle, 1 side high / obstruction) to the left & a building to the right. Overlapping the outside edges of the zones, there was a stone tower (obstruction), a stone wall (obstacle), & a forest. On the near-side, there was a boulder (obstruction) & a stone wall (obstacle). To decide where the terrain would go, we used the random terrain generator here . We've used that random terrain generator a few times so far & plan to eventually print out a total of 6 unique layouts. Then, we can roll a d6 before each game to p...