
Showing posts from November, 2021

"Walled Off" Brawlmachine Batrep Nov 13, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate

Brawlmachine Scenario 4: Singularity Donna & I sat down Saturday evening to play Cryx vs Protectorate: Deneghra 2 vs Severius 1. We rolled 4 on a d6 to select the scenario. This scenario has a flag on either side of the battlefield from left to right with one closer to each army's deployment zone and overlapping rectangle & circle zones in the center.  On the far-side just ahead of the flag & zones, there was a rubble pile (1 side low / obstacle, 1 side high / obstruction) to the left & a building to the right. Overlapping the outside edges of the zones, there was a stone tower (obstruction), a stone wall (obstacle), & a forest. On the near-side, there was a boulder (obstruction) & a stone wall (obstacle). To decide where the terrain would go, we used the random terrain generator here .  We've used that random terrain generator a few times so far & plan to eventually print out a total of 6 unique layouts. Then, we can roll a d6 before each game to p...

"Walking a Precarious Edge..." Batrep Nov 6, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate

  This past Saturday, Donna & I played Brawlmachine scenario 2: Binary. We only had 1 circular zone before. So, we'd never played it until this past weekend. We got a wonderful surprise gift from new friends Pat & Fiona from England. It included really nice mats for both rectangle & circle zones (2 of each).  So, we thought this would be a good way to break them in & try a scenario that was new to us. It was the first time we would play a scenario that didn't have any rectangle zones; changing how we would use our jacks throughout the game. There are 2 circular zones offset slightly from each other with a 2" gap between them.  There are also 2 flags each centered from left to right on one of the zones, with each about 4" from the zone it's nearest. Our lists (no themes) Cryx (me): Wraith Witch Deneghra + Slayer / Ripjaw / Stalker, Darragh Wrathe, Soul Trapper, Necrosurgeon with Stitch Thralls, & a min unit of Mechnithralls with a Skarlock Comma...

"Head Butts & Hijinks!" - Batrep Oct 30, 2021: Cryx vs Protectorate

We got another play of Brawlmachine scenario 1: Orbits this past Saturday. It's the same scenario we played last week, but randomly-mixed the terrain up to a bit to get a fresh feel; including a forest right in the middle between both flags & both zones. I also got a chance to upgrade our rectangular & circular zones beyond the basic white card stock we had been playing with. On one side of the battlefield, there is a rectangular zone running from left to right with a gap in the middle separating it from a circular zone on the right side. There are 2 flags, both in the center from left to right, with one on each army's side of the battlefield. This was our first play since the massive update last week. We printed up all new cards & the changes in points meant that we were able to bring in some jacks that we haven't used in about a month. Donna got to put her Vigilant back into service & I was able to field my Stalker again. * Ready for the battle to begin * ...